Thursday, 24 March 2011

Where's my Cham?

T shirts not for sale yet.  Need more marker pens.....
This is the blog that asks the important questions, what if Satan ran a chip shop? What if biscuits could enter the Olympics? If bread was made of sand what would crumpets be made of? But the most important question that everyone should be asking themselves is where is my cham?
In a world that has given us, the Ketchup, Kebab flavor pot noodles and Findus crispy pancakes with tuna, why has the world of science abandoned that one most desire of combined produce, the cheese and ham combination that should be known as cham.
Roo's mock up of a cham tin.


Now I know most people can simply put both things together but has wash ‘n go not taught us anything? Aren’t we simple fools for taking 2 fillings into the sandwich? Now I don’t pretend to be an expert in nutritional science, I can barely spell it, I don’t know the details… my immediate though is maybe something to do with pig milk, but why are we wasting money on finding the higgs bosen particle, the existence of dark matter, and robotic cyber assassin seahorses (actually they are kind of cool) when we have failed to provide theone thing the planet really needs, a tasty filling product that combines two of our most beloved produce.
People it’s time for action, time to take up arms, Go to your nearest science laboratory (or chemical delicatessen) and pelt them with breadsticks till they produce your Cham. Demand Your Cham.


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