Thursday, 24 March 2011


A new reason why Jews don't like Christmas

Has anyone else noticed the trend at the moment for bacon themed goods?  When did bacon become the king of treats?  Was there a meeting I missed where cupcakes where overthrown as the goodie of choice?  I don't mind bacon.  Bacon and I have a tolerance for each other.  I'm not mad on pork products (insert porking gag here and here) and ever since mircopigs came onto the scene, all I see when I look at a sausage is Peppa pig asking me with a sad face "Why are you eating George?".  Beef, chicken, lamb - I have no issues with.  We all know given half a chance, these animals will break into your house and smother you in your sleep so it's self defence but with gravy.  Pork - bit of a sickly meat but its bacon offspring seems to be hitting the shelves all over the place.

Smells like David Cameron in a sanua

Did you know you can now get bacon SOAP?  Who wants to smell like a fry up?  Surely this would only appeal to hungover people and Rik Waller.  Who got home from a hard day at the cafe and decide the smell of grease and pig fat was a great alternative to Anais Anais?  Of course now you can get bacon envelopes, bacon mints, bacon lip balm, bacon plasters, bacon toys, bacon air fresheners.....bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon OINKOINKOINKOINK.....

£5 says this kid goes vegan before puberty

Someone is to blame to this.  Someone is responsible for this onslaught.  I've tried finding out through various methods....

1.  Google
2.  Psychic powers
3.  Kicking Danny in the nuts
4.  Following butchers home
5.  Following Pat Butcher home
6.  Talking to sad and abandoned cupcakes
7.  Eating said cupcakes to absorb knowledge

Nothing worked.  I'm stumped on this.  If anyone knows why this is happening, drop me a line here at Randomaquariumitis.  I know we have now had two pork related posts in a row but I demand answers as to who needs bacon coffee.


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